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Développement humain durable - Transition écologique - Egalité femmes-hommes - Diversité culturelle - Solidarité internationale

Jeudi 12 septembre 2024


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May 22 in Paris Gender and Climate Justice : Critical issues and awareness raising tools

Lundi 13 mai 2024, par Yveline Nicolas

Organized by Adéquations (with support from the Programme Feminists for Alternatives on Climate and Environmen), Wide Austria and the European network WIDE+, this event has promoted exchanges between actors interested in analyses, educational approaches and advocacy on the intersections between gender, feminist approaches, climate and ecological transition.
Brief report now available below

A short report of the May 22 2024 Paris workshop on "Gender and Climate Justice : Critical issues and awareness raising tools" is now available (pdf). Version française

 Gender and Climate Justice : Critical issues and awareness raising tools

Wednesday May 22 2024, 2 pm to 6 pm

Coffee Welcome at 13h30
- Cité Audacieuse
- 9 rue de Vaugirard, 75006 Paris
- RER Luxembourg ; métro Odéon (10 mn walk)
- Interpretation : french and english
- Register ; Contact : contact

This is a face-to-face event only. A detailed report will be drawn up.

Organized by Adéquations (with the support of the Feminists for Climate-Environment Alternatives Program) and WIDE Austria, the workshop-debate on May 22 will present the issues and productions of the European program "Gender and climate justice : issues and tools for action. This program is coordinated by the European network WIDE+ and supported by the European Union (Erasmus).

The workshop on May 22, 2024 will highlight climate justice issues such as extractivism, and encourage exchanges between actors interested in analyses, pedagogical approaches and advocacy on the intersections between gender, feminist approaches, climate and ecological transition.

Interested associations and institutions are invited to report any publications, research, educational tools, campaigns and projects related to these issues. They may be indexed in an Adéquations resource article and/or made available on site for publicity purposes. contact

  Programm of May 22

- Introduction by Yveline Nicolas, Adéquations and Claudia Thallmayer, WIDE Autriche
- Moderation by Bénédicte Fiquet and Sarah Mantah, members of Adéquations

Presentation of gender and climate justice issues - focus on extractivism

- Presentation of the COPGENDERED project : Emma Rainey, WIDE+ project coordinator, Belgium
- Gender, energy & intersectionality, Elena Georgiadi, project manager at the international secretariat of GenderCC, Germany
- Extractivism of Lithium in the Global South as a basis for the “green transition” in Europe ? Patricia Muñoz Cabrera, WIDE+, Interdisciplinary researcher
- Gold mining, climate change and conflict, Sara Mohamed, environmental expert, WIDE Austria / Sudan)
- Feminist climate Justice in Debate, Yveline Nicolas, Adéquations Coordinator

Approaches of various actors to promote nexus genre et climat (tools, campaigns, projects)

- Presentation of the Feminists for Climate-Environment Alternatives Programme (CCFD Terre Solidaire, Adéquations, WoMin, ACORD Rwanda, ACORD Burundi, Rural Women Assembly), Aurélie Cerisot, project manager ; Oumou Koulibaly, WoMin
- A feminist response to fast Fast Fashion and clothing Industry, Action Aid, Salma Lamqaddam Women’s Rights Campaigner
- Gender inequality, climate crisis and ecological transition, Report and Recommendations of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), Aminata Niakaté, co-rapporteure
- The national federation of associations for the protection of the environment commits itself to gender issues, Antoine Gatet, President of France Nature Environnement

 Presentation of partners partenaires, documentary resources

- Féminists for Climate Environment Alternatives
- "Gender and climate justice : Knowledge for Empowerment Project ; New : Transnational Training Report Gender and Climate Justice, 2024 (Report on the first “Capacity Building” within the Erasmus+ project “Gender and Climate Justice : Knowledge for Empowerment”. Download (english, pdf 42 p.)
- Réseau Women in Development Europe (WIDE+)
- WIDE Austria
- GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice et LIFE

- Cité Audacieuse

- Inégalité de genre, crise climatique et transition écologique, Report and recommendations of Conseil économique, social et environnemental. information and download (in french)
- Action Aid France ; Coalition Stop Fast Fashion
- France Nature Environnement : Dossier "Droit des femmes, un enjeu environnemental", mars 2024
- Rubrique documentaire d’Adéquations : genre et transition écologique ; COP climat, justice climatique et genre ; Dossier Genre, santé et crise écologique, croiser les approches, avril 2024 ; Exposition "Transition écologique : enjeux et atouts de l’égalité femmes-hommes"
- Feminists for Climate Environnement Alternatives Programm Documentary resources of FACE programm (Feminist climate Justice, feminist agroécology, etc.
- Women African Alliance : facing extractivism projects, Consent and the right to say No !

Resources reported by participating organizations

- CliMates :
Recherche-action Genre et changements climatiques.
Petit guide de l’écoféminisme. 10 grands thèmes pour passer de la théorie à la pratique. Télécharger (pdf, 61 p.) ; La Fresque de l’écoféminisme
- F3E
Ecologie et pouvoir d’agir
Atelier du changement social : Planète genre, un jeu de sensibilisation pour aborder les relations entre genre et climat. Présentation ; téléchargement du jeu ; Livret d’accompagnement
- Quartiers du Monde
Recherche-action participative "Initiatives Sud-Sud-Nord pour la justice écologique et la justice de genre dans les territoires"
- Le Monde selon les Femmes
Some publications to be downloaded (in french) : Polyphonies écoféministes, 2022 ; Ecologie populaire et écoféminisme. Cultiver la puissance d’agir et la joie militante
Action about European Parliament #Ecofeminist Scorecard2024

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