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French Gender and Climate Justice Associations Group

Mardi 17 novembre 2015

For climate policies that incorporate gender equality

French women’s and feminist associations have joined forces in the Gender and Climate Justice group to participate in citizen mobilisation and contribute to political advocacy before, during and after the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21, 30 November – 11 December 2015, Paris). They are signatories to a position paper whose main recommendations follow :

Gender equality, women’s empowerment, and combating gender-based violence constitute a cross-cutting challenge to the achievement of sustainable human development. Representing 70% of the world’s poor, overburdened with domestic work and having limited access to resources, land, credit, etc., women are particularly affected by the consequences of climate change. Flooding, desertification and biodiversity loss all exacerbate gender violence and the plight of refugees. In all countries women and women’s organisations play an important role, which has been recognised by the work programme on gender initiated at COP 20 in 2014.

At COP 21 in Paris, an approach to gender and women’s rights (civil, political, economic, social, cultural, sexual and reproductive) must be incorporated throughout the final text – not only in the general principles, but in provisions concerning the implementation of policies and financial and technological mechanisms.

Gender and Climate Justice group supports organisations that demand :

- Placing respect for all human rights at the centre of the climate agreement, including the right to a healthy environment, food and food sovereignty, and sexual and reproductive rights.
- Breaking with neo-liberal approaches and the belief that financial markets and institutions will solve the problems that they have created.
- Integrating agro-ecology and soil conservation in climate negotiations.
- Applying the principle of common but differentiated responsibility, via transfer payments to finance the mitigation of climate change and adaptation – a priority for poor countries, which are the most affected by the problem but least responsible for it.
- Redirecting subsidies and partnerships with polluting industries (fossil fuels, nuclear, arms etc.) toward sustainable practices (renewable energies, relocating production and consumption).

The associations in the French Gender and Climate Justice group call for :

Reinforcing women’s participation and a focus on gender equality !

- Ensuring decision-making parity in all processes involved in climate-related negotiations and mechanisms.
- Enshrining the principles of women’s rights and equality in all climate-related texts and mechanisms : mitigation (reducing greenhouse gas emissions), adaptation to the effects of climate change, loss and damage, technologies etc.
- Integrating perspectives on gender and gender-sensitive budgeting in climate mechanisms and all strategies relating to climate and energy, sustainable development and Agenda 21.
- Implementing documented impact assessments of public and private women’s rights initiatives (e.g. “Climate-Smart Agriculture”, “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)” and “REDD+”).

Making the connection between gender, climate, economics and natural resources !

- Ensuring coherence between commitments on climate and those of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development, and the United Nations resolutions on women, peace and security.
- Recognising that women, through their unpaid domestic work, subsidise the economy. Equal sharing of this work between men and women must be promoted and relevant public services must be funded.
- Prioritising women’s access to and control of land, property, shared assets, credit and technical support ; respecting the rights of indigenous communities.
- Protecting and supporting migrants and refugees, ensuring their fundamental rights.
- Promoting the local economy, collective management of resources, waste, recycling – often carried out by local women’s organisations.

Funding gender equality and the gender approach !

- In the context of the UNFCCC Green Climate Fund and Adaptation Fund, allocating a percentage of resources to women’s organisations committed to environmental protection and sustainable economic activities, as well as to displaced persons and refugees from climate-related situations.
- Allocating resources to gather and make use of women’s knowledge, expertise and local practices, and to encourage the transfer of skills.

Patterns of production and consumption that incorporate gender !

- Strengthening the guidance and training of women and girls in, and their access to, scientific and technical disciplines, jobs created by energy transition, and biodiversity conservation and agro-ecology activities.
- Supporting women’s activities in economic and social sectors that contribute to transitioning modes of production and consumption and to environmental resilience : solidarity economics, urban and rural services etc.
- Combating sexist stereotypes in consumer-related communication, advertising, and education.

Signatory women’s and feminist associations

Adéquations* • AFFDU* (Association Française des Femmes Diplômées d’Université) • ANEF (Association Nationale des Etudes Féministes) • Assemblée des Femmes • Association pour la reconnaissance des droits et libertés aux femmes musulmanes (ARDLFM) • Aster-International* • CLEF* (Coordination française pour le Lobby Européen des Femmes) • Collectif National pour les Droits des Femmes (CNDF) • Collectif 13 Droits des femmes • FECODEV (Femmes et Contribution au Développement) • Femmes d’Ici et d’Ailleurs • Femm’Ecolos • Femmes en luth, citoyennes à part entière • Femmes Migrantes Debout • Femmes Poésie et Liberté • Femmes Solidaires • Forum Femmes Méditerranée* • Fondation pour les Femmes Africaines* • Initiative Féministe Euroméditerranéenne (IFE-EFI) • Les Effronté-e-s • Libres MarianneS • Ligue Internationale des Femmes pour la Paix et la Liberté - France* • L’Université Nomade* • Marche Mondiale des Femmes • Mix-Cité (45) • Osez le Féminisme • Planning Familial • Planning Familial Loiret (45) • Rapsode productions* • Regards de Femmes • Réseau Féministe "Ruptures"* • Réussir l’égalité femmes hommes •Télé Debout • WECF France* (Women in Europe for a Common Future)

Other supporting civil society organisations

ADEL • Association des Marocains en France • ATTAC • Collectif des Associations Citoyennes • ENERGIES 2050 • FIAN France (FoodFirst Information and Action Network) • Fondation Copernic • FORIM (Forum des Organisations de Solidarité Internationale issues des Migrations) • Les Périphériques vous parlent • Union des Familles Laïques

International backers

Genre en Action • NEGAR - Femmes d’Afghanistan • ROFAF (Réseau des Organisations Féminines d’Afrique Francophone) • Réseau des Femmes pour le Développement Durable en Afrique • Réseau MUSONET Mali • Women Environmental Programme, Burkina

* Members of the French Gender and Sustainable Development group, an informal grouping of French associations that signed a position paper as part of the Rio+20 and Post-2015 processes. It seeks a dialogue with civil society organisations on gender and women’s rights as they relate to environmental and sustainable development issues.

This paper has been translated into English thanks to the European Women’s Lobby.

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